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Some favorite reviews by students

“So far the Foundations class is without question, the best internet instruction I have observed. I am an enthusiastic life-long learner and have been taking classes since I completed my Master's degree in Special Education from Johns Hopkins in 1995. I have had many wonderful instructors but hands down, your teaching is TOP NOTCH!”

Amanda K.

“Your classes are all great! So detailed and useful. I'm a professional painter (have a degree in painting and a master in drawing but the teachers never went this deep!) and I learned a lot with all of your courses I've taken. I'm now a teacher so I will buy them permanently (on another platform) so that I can re-watch them whenever needed. Will buy all of your courses because this is the second I've taken and it is great as well. Thank you so much for your work!”

Catarina G.

“Jill's material is nowhere else. I so enjoy the representative paintings from art history. Her choices are so beautiful and make me want to see and do more and more. I just love the courses of hers that I have taken, never having known what I wasn't being taught before that explains so much about the medium on which she is lecturing. Highly recommended and you will be surprised at the wonderful content.”

Linda F.

“Jill Poyerd does for watercolor instruction what Alton Brown does for cooking instruction: provides a clear, thorough, scientific breakdown of how materials work individually and interact with each other that demystifies the process so the student can master it. I can't wait to move on to the next part. This is the watercolor instruction I've been searching for.”


“What an amazing resource. This is far better than any teaching or instruction I've ever had. I feel like I have just been to the first class with a master atelier. Thank you for your courses, this is my first but I shall certainly watch them all and take great notice of all you teach. I'm very grateful that you have chosen to share your knowledge on this platform.”

Merrill P.

"Finally! A beginners class that explains everything from the beginning and also explains things clearly. I have been looking for for something like this for years. It's like having a college course in your own home, broken down in easy to manage lessons. A wonderful teacher and course, thank you so much.”

Mandy S.

“This class has blown my mind - I have been watching video after video after video to try and improve my watercolour abilities to no avail. Just ONE out of the three has already expanded my horizons and really grown my confidence! Can't wait to keep learning!”

Andrea Z.

“You’re a fantastic teacher! I’ve really loved all the content I’ve taken from you. I appreciate your dedicated deep dives into painting backgrounds which has been instrumental in my self taught painting journey.”

Tonya M.

“I don't think I've ever seen any documentary on painting that was of higher quality than this series and I've seen a lot. Simply incredible Jill, thank you for making these incredible (in all regards) video’s.”


“You are a fabulous instructor. This is not the first course of yours I am taking. I watch to see what you are offering and purchase as I can. You flesh out everything I never got while earning an art degree in college. Some of the past procedures (like how to prepare a canvas) were woefully wrong...and you taught me right with all the reasons why included. You always include suggested products to consider, cutting down everyone's personal research time. So informative! You also respond to questions rather immediately. Refreshing, and dignifying! As an instructor, you are revered (by me).”


"Very engaging instructor! Soothing clear voice. Class is well organized and taught at a pace that is manageable. I have taken over 80 classes on Skillshare and this class is the best one in terms of clarity, speed, engaging instruction, pace, valuable information, motivating... I will be looking for more classes taught by Jill after these three watercolor ones :) Highly recommend!”

Carole B.

“This 3 part series is what I wish my formal art education had included. Art history doesn't have to be boring. I learned more, understood more, and loved art more here than many years of academic schooling.”


“Class was amazing! I have been artistic my entire life, but without any formal training. The background information definitely helped everything "click". You are correct, this class makes the "process of painting" classes make so much more sense. If we don't understand the "why" watercolors do what they do, how can we expect to work with them in a productive and enjoyable manner. Thank you Jill for having a course that is NOT like all the rest!

Tracy R.

“I love your voice it's very soothing and comforting, so is your delivery style. and your content is captivating and educational . Thank you for producing such work in a world full of noise. Yours is the only channel where I can just forget about everything and just calm learn something really beautiful. Thank you.”

A. Hashmi

“I usually take courses without expecting much because my goal is to give support to artist who spend time sharing their knowledge on YouTube. I was not expecting to be so delighted as I am with your courses--Brushstrokes 1&2. Your simple yet complete way of explaining helps me, a working senior citizen ,who is new to art, actually learn and be able to apply techniques I never thought I could grasp. The fact that the object painting remains constant has helped me learn to apply the brush strokes in varied ways. I am grateful that with my limited time and funds, I have an opportunity to take a quality art class. Thank you so much.”

Graciela W.

“Thank you so much for your hard work on all these videos! They are very valuable documentary type of video! I feel that I am attending art class in some kind of famous art school/university!”


“This is BBC level, maybe beyond.”

Suheyl K.

“I came across Jill years ago when I was a beginner in watercolour. Purchased & completed all of her art courses as they are full of important details in wonderful clear visual demonstrations, she speaks clearly without jargon and you come away with an in-depth understanding. Like owning a car, you do not just learn to drive the car, Jill teaches you the mechanics and understanding of how the machines works. Understanding what you are using makes all he difference for me when using watercolours. I appreciate the tools even more now that I understand what they are, how they work, what they can do as well as the limitations. Jill’s are like a mini uni courses and I love them, so easy to understand.”

Bee Bee

“Absolutely the most thorough presentation I've seen of the process of an oil painting. Great explanation and visual support explaining concepts like fat over lean, differences in drying oils, using solvents, and elements of the paint itself. These concepts are broken down to to be completely understandable by anyone-- concepts that others mention and note as important but don't really explain why or explain what the terms actually mean in practice. Highly recommended!”


“Jill goes to the heart of her subject, in depth precise and clear information. You not only learn, but you understand why and how. Jill is a fantastic tutor. I have bought all of her courses and not only enjoyed them all, I now have a clearer in depth understanding of art and watercolour painting which has enabled me to become a better painter.”

Diane U.

“The best watercolour course i have seen…I need a structured better approach than the typical watch-me-paint courses, that explain nothing about quality of paints and mediums and how they affect the final result. Brilliantly narrated, videos quality are amazing and super explanatory. 6 stars!”

Joao C.

“I have an artist friend back in my mother country IRAQ told me they're using your YouTube videos as a learning materials for art students, he said they trust you as a source for information”


“Excellent!!! Jill Poyerd is one of the best painting instructors I have ever had. Clear and concise. Neat and very didactic.”

Juan D.

“I hope this is a good time to find u & say thank u. I absolutely love ur approach to art videos. I paint as a hobby, have been drawing my entire life (im 50) & really enjoy art history. The content regarding technique &/or brush strokes, materials, etc…..caught my interest right away. I have a progressive form of neuromuscular disease which requires a great deal of rest. Audio books, movies, & documentaries r my favorite ways to make the most of the down time & to keep my spirits up till Im back on my feet. I really cannot thank u (& anyone else involved) enough for the free content u provide to the world. Im sure u have personal goals that u find urself achieving……but, if u have a bad day, just remember…….there r many people such as I who u help everyday. Technology has certainly expanded my world, but not without the commitment & passion of human beings willing to fill those platforms with quality content. Including ur beautiful work as an artist.”


"I just loved this course. I've taken a watercolour course and have borrowed dozens of books from the library but none of it compares to the amount of information presented here. It's fascinating stuff!”

Susie P.

“I agree with Milo, this is the most complete overview of the history of oil painting EVER. I'm a painter (was an art teacher till I retired) and it took me years of studying (and a lot of reading) to learn the "tricks" that the old masters used. Jill, you managed to cover it all in just In 3 short parts, with excellent visuals to boot :) Thank you for sharing.”

L. Linton

"I have an art degree, but that is only paper, right? What really matters is experience and knowledge. The instructor is nothing short of amazing in delivery and knowledge of watercolor painting, implying years of experience. Thank you for sharing what you know about this art medium. Money and time has been well spent with this course. Looking forward to the brush strokes lessons!”


"This is an outstanding course. You can play around and be spontaneous with watercolor but you will not be able to truly master the medium nor take your art to the next level without the knowledge gained in this course.”

Thomas D.

“This art documentary is one of the best I have ever seen. It's one of those rare to find jewels that you treasure for the rest of your life (Oil Painting Masters)”


“What a fabulous course - I learned so much! I had planned on taking Jill's Mechanics of Watercolor Painting and she urges her students to take this Foundation course first - SO GLAD I did! So much information for me to build on as I learn to use watercolors! She is very in-depth and a wonderful instructor. Her voice is pleasing and the cadence of her lectures is very engaging (you know how awful it is when the instructor is whiney or weird!). I took lots of notes and downloaded all the resources - now I have a Watercolor Foundation library with recommendations on supplies, where to find them and plenty of ‘step by step, try it at home’ exercises. Very happy - can't wait for the next course!”

Sheryl O.

“I have been painting, or trying to paint for a long time. I have taken so many classes and workshops, but yours is exactly what I have been looking for all these years. I believe that when I am finished with your classes, I will be much better equipped to paint the things I want to paint, the way I want to paint them.”

Chris Z.

“You have an innate skill of being able to explain abstract and complicated concepts in a way that the lay person can understand. You’re the best.”


“Jill offers the best quality instruction on Udemy. Her courses are well-structured, well-produced, fun, and straight to the point. I highly recommend enrolling in this course and all her material.”

Gerson C.

“I am so very informed now with brush strokes. I am excited to start painting real pictures. This is the best instructor... I highly recommend anyone that wants to paint, take classes from Jill Poyerd. She is amazing! Very easy to understand and she does beautiful work!!!”

Cynthia P.

“I came back, to say that a year ago, the wrong paper choice, almost made me quit, my fresh at that moment, watercolor journey! This video saved it, and I'm still referring to your videos, when I want to try something new, to find out what paper to choose!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH, for everything you've done!!!”


“Jill is such a competent, professional, and warm instructor. Her course content, information sequencing, and hands-on demonstrations are gloriously thorough and fascinatingly nuanced; all while staying very approachable and engaging. I am very grateful for her knowledge and expertise, as well as the talented and thoughtful approach she takes to share it. Thank you, Jill!”

Bre D.

“Superb! Jill is an incredible teacher whose teaching style is wonderfully clear and very thorough. She leaves no stone unturned and should you take a class of hers, rest assured that you will understand the subject from the ground up! Jill is an amazing artist and one of the best teachers I've ever encountered; I cannot recommend her courses highly enough. Thank you Jill, you've opened up the wonderful world of Oil painting to me and I feel confident with my new knowledge.”

Nancy L.

"I feel the same as in my review of section 1. This teacher has a warm voice and an inviting manner. Some teachers seem to teach to share the information they have to the benefit to all. Others just want to be the smartest person in the room. It seems that Jill is the first kind. She’s having so damn much fun that she wants others to play, too. I'm so glad I found her classes. I can’t play if I don’t understand the rules and Jill gives me that tool! I can’t express my gratitude enough.”

Hobby H.

“I have been painting only for a couple of years now, but i can proudly say that the improvement is amazing and I owe a lot of it to you and the knowledge you have shared through these.”

Mohan K.

"Dear Jill, I have become your devoted fan. Your courses are amazingly organized and complete. I have had personal difficulties with glazing, blending and gradients, but practice makes perfect... Otherwise, I have applied some of your brushstrokes to my recent paintings with great results: my entourage has found that I have already immensely improved. What better reward for me and compliment for you as the instructor!”

Paola D

“What a brilliant course. Even if you are one who has a firm knowledge in painting, I am certain you will gain morsels of insight from this well produced and curated presentation. This was hands down one of the very best lecture/presentations I have seen on Udemy. Thank you for the brilliant insights, the learning and the mind expansion into a deeper understanding of the tools and components in watercolor. I so look forward to the other lectures you offer. In your teachings, I noticed , your style of painting is really beautiful. So much depth and movement on the paper. You are truly gifted. I really liked seeing your trick in the landscape portion. Using sheets of paper for the mountain range was brilliant. Such out of the box thinking and giving such beautiful results. I really paid attention. I look forward to putting your suggestions into practice. Also, I appreciate that you explained the why through visuals. Sometimes you just need to see it to better understand. 😉 You captivated my attention, I appreciate you creating this program. You truly are a brilliant teacher.”

James T.

“I am a teacher and I think she is a brilliant teacher.”

Cornelia D.

“Wonderful! I have purchased a lot of watercolor books, and magazines over the years, and have taken a few multiple day watercolor workshops. And they were great and I learned a lot. But, I've always felt like I was missing a basic understanding, the foundation you might say, of why and how the paint and water react with the paper. Jill is the first instructor i have ever come across that has realized how important this is and has made the effort to teach it in a easy to comprehend manner. She teaches the science along with the art! And she does it in such a manner that if you take the time to practice and do the exercises she has set up it will really improve your painting technique! Her lectures and demonstrations are absolutely the most professional and beautifully produced I have ever seen. Additionally she provides excellent work sheet exercises which I found very helpful and made good use of. The super high quality video and camera angles make it very easy to see what she is teaching. Also her beautifully paced and enunciated speaking voice is very much appreciated. I give this course 5 thumbs up and encourage anyone interested in improving their ability to paint with watercolor to sign up asap! Very much looking forward to taking every class she produces. Thank you to Udemy for providing this service. And last but not least, big thanks to Jill for all her hard work and for being such an outstanding teacher.”

Linda H.

“Superb class! I wish I had this source when I first dived into watercolor painting a few years back.”

Rose G.

“So far the best beginner watercolor course on Skillshare. Makes me want to go back and re-rate some other classes I took which really don't get into the details or the mechanics of watercolor. Wish this sorted on top of all classes because at this point I feel I wasted too much time on another beginner video that just didn't give much info.”

Stacey J.

“Great course! Detailed enough to provide thorough information on color selection and placement, but not tedious or boring. Excellent tie-ins to famous paintings and applications to watercolors, oils, and other media. Extremely useful information for any artist wanting to expand their understanding of value, chroma, and color selection."

Becky S.

“Again, a course which astounds in the fantastic manner in which it is taught. Knowing WHY is the only way I learn and I feel for the first time excited to experiment with watercolours, because I'm beginning to UNDERSTAND them. Fantastic.”


“Incredible class! This is all the information that gets skipped over by new watercolorists or barely touched upon in tutorials. I feel that paying attention to all these little details is what is going to make the biggest difference in the quality of my painting. I've painted some but felt like much was hit or miss on the outcome... now I am learning why. Thank you! On to Module 2.”

Tania T.

“I have painted in watercolors before and got frustrated with my inconsistent results - now I know I was merely missing background knowledge any painter needs for success. This course filled in those gaps and I now have a great foundation for my future work!”

Ariel S.

"If you take just one course, This would be it!! I bought them all and I really enjoyed learning how to control my paints. I feel free to challenge myself to paint in a loose style. Thank you so Much!”

Jeannette K.

“This first class alone has helped to ease my apprehension with continuing to paint. Every question I have scoured the internet seeking answers to, as a neophyte, has pretty much been answered here.”

Joshua M.

“I purchased this course as a complete newbie knowing nothing about painting and brushstrokes. This course for me is turning out to be a treasure trove of information that I am finding truly intriguing and fascinating. The instructor explains everything incredibly well and leaves me wanting to hear and learn more. I am so grateful I got this course.”

Astrid P.

“These classes are answering all my watercolor questions. I now feel that I understand what is actually going on when I paint. Excellent instructions!!”

Marilyn S.

“A MUST DO type of course. I learned SOOO much about focal points and composition techniques that I am amazed. The teacher is VERY clear and make us progress in a steady and methodic way until everything is understood and practiced through exercises and quiz.”

Norton A.

“I can see a noticeable difference in my painting since practicing these brushstrokes and putting it all together. I can now see more like a painter then before. Thank you for a fantastic course.”

Kai Z.

“Unbelievable! Not only are you exposed to great brush stroke techniques but can also view the historical background for these techniques in a bonus section provided. You will view art differently, and you will gain many new insights through this course!”

Sylvia M.

“Jill Poyerd, I recently discovered your channel. I must say that I am very impressed with your work and skill. I do not wish to flatter you but the quality of your videos is as good as the documentaries published by BBC or National Geographic. It seems that you are a diligent student of art and have created all videos independently...”


“Take this class! She is among the best teachers on Skill Share and there are some very good ones, and so this is high praise. She is knowledgeable without being condescending. Her demonstrations are achievable even for a novice like myself. Furthermore, by the tempo, patience and timbre of her voice, she affirms painting can come from a place of calm and confidence.”

A D Co.

"As a novice the course is MESMERIZING! I am hooked on the various techniques attributed to the masters and the basic brush strokes they utilized in order to create their masterpieces. Thank you for this gift.”

Gerald E.

“Excellent teaching. Everything is high quality - instruction, methods, teaching materials and not least the careful and faultless production standards. I feel like I’m learning so much and can’t wait to watch some of the history of art videos on YouTube. Thank you for making this available online!”

Ellie L.

“Complete, concise and necessary. It's the basics that no one has ever taught me, not even in art courses. It was worth every penny.”

Ley O.

“I feel like I learned more watching and listening to this course than any other class that I've ever taken. Thank you!”

Bonny E.

“This is the best online course I've ever taken. Jill has provided general and detailed information in a way that is easily understood and clearly defined.”

Rebecca S.

“This is the most thoughtful, comprehensive and beautifully done video on oil painting I have ever seen. The historical perspective in places was especially appreciated, as was the detail on surface preparation - a phase many of us skip over way too fast in our rush to start applying paint.”

David S.

“Loved the class. Helped me see what is really essential in a scene- to simplify. I never had so much enjoyable instruction on brush strokes—all with 1 brush.”

Margaret T.

“Having gone to an art school, this course filled in the gaps I didn't get while there. This course was excellent and I would highly recommend it to anybody, whether they paint or not if they want to understand how oil paintings are created and understanding how artists in the past worked.”

Dean P.

“This should be a required class for all artist! I loved this series! I have new found inspiration and confidence for my acrylic and watercolor paintings!”

Laura B.

“Great, great content, exercises are well done. Learned a lot and it’s improving my comprehension of brushstrokes. A beneficial side effect, is that, now i am more relaxed and confident in my painting. All i have left to do is practice, practice.”

Sylvain S.

“This is an amazing course…This course has filled in all the gaps of knowledge that we know exist but don't know where or how to find the answers. This is THE foundational course we have all wanted and searched for.”

Josh F.

"Exceptional class, excellent teaching, exciting exercises! Thank you Jill!”

Katarina K.

“Really top notch class. She's taken a challenging subject and made it crystal clear. I'd recommend it to anyone curious about composition.”

Francis A.

“Once again a brilliant course by Jill. She has the ability to take known information and turn it into something new and intriguing.”

Jennifer F.

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